Program Evaluation


Baseline and Endline Assessment of the Private Providers in Lagos State.

Client: Health Systems Consult Limited / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 

As part of the Strategic Purchasing for Family Planning project, IHC conducted the baseline and end-line assessment of over 300 private healthcare facilities in the project. The baseline assessment established baseline values for the project indicators while the end-line assessment evaluated the facilities’ progress based on the project activities.

The baseline and end-line informed the project indicators’ base value and determined any change following the project implementation, respectively.


Baseline Survey for ASPIRE Project.

Client: Plan International 

IHC conducted the baseline assessment of the ASPIRE project in Bauchi and Sokoto States to establish the base values for the project indicators. The baseline assessment also provided evidence for a qualitative gender equality and child protection assessment. We led the design of the research approach, revision and validation of the study instruments, application of ethical approval, engagements with the stakeholders, training and deployment of the enumerators, and coordination of the pilot testing, fieldwork activities and data collation and cleaning.

The benchmark values for the project indicators.


End-line Study of the Strengthening Health Outcomes of Women and Children (SHOW).

Client: Plan International

IHC assessed the impact of the SHOW project interventions, performance and achievements in improving the quality, availability and utilization of essential services for maternal, neonatal, and child health services in Sokoto State. The study also assessed gender roles and norms in making key MNCH decisions in the communities. The assessment involved a mixed method and responded to the project’s DAC evaluation criteria of ‘Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability’.

Provided information on the SHOW project achievements, interventions, and performance.


End-line Evaluation of the Bauchi Opportunities for Responsive Neonatal and Maternal Health (BORN) Project.

Client: Plan International

IHC conducted the final evaluation of the BORN project to assess its performance and achievements using the DAC evaluation criteria. The evaluation also examined the contribution of partnerships and innovations to the results achieved. We deployed a quasi-experimental design; a pre-post analysis of the difference and in-differences, comparing the performance of the project between baseline and end line, and between the intervention population and control population. The evaluation design effect was extracted from published research documents – the National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) reports. We adopted a multi-stage cluster sampling approach to ensure the accuracy of data collected and cost-effectiveness. We led the design of the evaluation, engagements with stakeholders, training of enumerators, pilot testing and finalization of the study instruments, coordination of the fieldwork activities, data cleaning and analysis, and report development and validation.

Provided information on the achievements and performance of the BORN project. See report here.


Baseline Assessment of the Oloibiri Health Program.

Client: General Electric (GE)

IHC conducted the baseline assessment of the program to determine the state of the health facilities and key attitudes and practices of the community, including social determinant of health. In addition, we used the baseline to establish the measures of the program indicators and a system to monitor and evaluate it. We conducted household survey, key informant interviews and group discussions.

A baseline report and indicator values.


Endline Assessment for RH-HIV Integrated Service Provision.

Client: Family Health International (FHI360) 

IHC conducted the endline assessment to evaluate the interventions aimed at accelerating the integration of family planning and HIV services in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Benue, and Kaduna States. The assessment aimed at reviewing the achievements of the project by comparing the baseline and end-line results of the project indicators to understand the reproductive health status of people living with HIV, the extent the current health services meet their reproductive needs, the extent the current services are integrated, and the extent their family planning needs were met.

Provided insights on the project achievements, interventions, and performance of the RH-HIV services integration in the States.


Monitoring & Evaluation of Oloibiri Health Program.

Client: General Electric (GE) 

IHC developed and implemented the project’s M&E framework and capacity building for health workers and facilities (including the Drug Revolving Fund component) to provide comprehensive services (facility and community-based) that support the State’s Saving One Million Lives workplan and impact on the overall health. We developed the monitoring mechanism and conducted routine monitoring of the program activities, focusing on the implementation progress, service utilization, and regular updates of the performance management plan.

The M&E framework for the implementation of the OHP project.