Access to Credit and Service Readiness Mapping of CPs, PPMVs, Private Primary Health Facilities/Clinics.
Client: USAID Frontier Health Market Engage
We led the readiness mapping of private healthcare providers (CPs, PPMVs, and maternity homes/clinics) for the USAID Frontier Health Market (FHM) Engage program in Nigeria. The objectives of the mapping exercise are to generate a robust list of private health providers in the FCT and Ebonyi State, assess selected private health providers based on predefined eligibility criteria, and identify and recommend providers for the FHM Engage program support. We are collaborating with the various stakeholders in the private health sector ecosystem to achieve optimal performance of the FHM Engage program. We will screen 4,000 private health providers and assess at least 800 of them.
Screen at least 4,000 private health businesses and assess at least 800.
Key Child Survival and Nutrition Practices in the First 1,000 Days of Life.
Client: Family Health International (FHI) Solutions / UNICEF Formative
We conducted a formative research on the key child survival and nutrition practices in 6 Nigerian states (Kano, Niger, Gombe, Cross River, Oyo, and Enugu). The research aimed to identify and analyze barriers and challenges to the adoption of positive nutrition, health, and WASH practices, explain and analyze the influence of gender dynamics and gender roles within the family on childcare, and gain a deeper understanding of the prevailing social norms and cultural context that influence caregivers’ behaviors in childcare. The qualitative research comprised observations and semi-structured interviews, including problem tree analysis, gender boxes, norms & customs brainstorming, food group identification, availability, and access. We coordinated the stakeholders’ engagement, enumerators’ training and deployment, field activities monitoring and supervision, and data quality assurance.
The results informed the development of the next iteration of the national Social and Behavioral Change (SBC) strategy for Nigeria. See report here.
Scoping Exercise of the Health Policies and Financial Structures
Client: PharmAccess Foundation
This scoping exercise was conducted to understand the states’ health policies and framework, leadership and governance, health service demand and supply, and financing structures in Kaduna, Kano, Jigawa, Borno, and Yobe States. We conducted desk review of relevant documents, and KIIs with key government stakeholders, implementing partners, and health facility providers.
Provided insights into the potential interventions for the states’ health policies and financing structures.
Landscaping Assessment of Quality Assurance/ Improvement Mechanism and Tools.
Client: Health Systems Consult Limited / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
IHC conducted the landscape assessment through the review of existing QA and QI approaches and methodologies used in implementing QA/QI projects in Lagos State, identifying the gaps/challenges in implementing QA/QI projects and recommending steps to harmonize the existing QA/QI strategies.
A harmonized QA/QI approach and tools disseminated to the relevant State government stakeholders and inaugurated a Technical Working Group to drive the QA/QI process in Lagos State.
Oloibiri Health Programme (OHP).
Client: General Electric
IHC conducted the health determinants participatory rural appraisal (PRA) for the OHP in Ogbia local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The PRA aimed to learn about the social structures and differences among the households in the communities, the communities’ perception of what natural resources are available, the seasonality of agricultural and non-agricultural workload, food availability, human diseases, gender-specific incomes and expenditures, forage, and water. We conducted social, resource, and historical mapping, and pairwise ranking. We enabled local people do their own investigations, analysis, presentations, planning and action, owned the outcome, and teach us, and share their knowledge
A social determinant of health and resource map framework and report.
Socio-economic Impact of HIV Ondo State Government /
Client: United Nations Development Programme
IHC led the assessment of the socio-economic impact of HIV on the citizens of Ondo state through the review of relevant literature of similar studies in the region and desk review of existing socio-economic data for the State. In addition, we collected primary data through a household study (households affected and households unaffected by HIV). We assessed sixteen (16) households per LGA, which totals ninety-six (96) households across the six (6) LGAs.
Contributed to the realization of the HIV intervention plans outlined in the 2012 Annual Work Plan.
Market Research for Intravenous Iron Drugs in Nigeria.
Client: Dalberg / BMGF
IHC conducted market research in Ogun, Anambra, Niger, Bauchi, Kano, and Cross River states to understand the current market size and potentials of Intravenous (IV) iron drugs and develop recommendations for market entry into the Nigerian market. The market research covers prevalence and burden, awareness, usage, availability and affordability, policy landscape, manufacturing and distribution, and market entry. The research included different patient groups (currently pregnant women, recently delivered women, patients with chronic diseases, and patients with infectious diseases) and the service providers and stakeholders.
Provided evidence and recommendation for market entry. Click here to see highlights.
Market Research for the Introduction of 7.1% Chlorhexidine Digluconate for Umbilical Cord Care in Nigeria.
Client: PATH
IHC conducted the market research in Kano, Nasarawa, Osun and Rivers States to identify current practices around childbirth including cord care and value propositions. The assessment included market segmentation and recommendations for market entry. The research covered government stakeholders, implementing partners, health providers (including patent medicine vendors, traditional birth attendants), and users (mothers with children less than 2 years of age). The study also included focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and household surveys.
The research informed strategies for the chlorhexidine digluconate market entry into Nigeria.