Private Provider Readiness Sub-Grantee on Nigeria State-Led Strategic Purchasing for FP/MNCH Project
Client: Health Systems Consult Limited / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
As a consortium partner, IHC implemented the provider readiness/quality improvement component of the SP4FP Project. The project assessed the readiness of private facilities to provide quality healthcare services. IHC supported these facilities to provide quality services by implementing quality improvement and capacity-building activities towards improved MNCH services and empanelment on the Lagos State Health Scheme. In this project, IHC assessed over 500 private health facilities and developed and implemented a quality improvement plan for each of them based on the gaps from the assessment.
65.6% of the providers supported had increased quality scores based on the assessment criteria, and the average quality improvement score increased from 69% at baseline to 74% at the endline. Publications from this project include Enhancing Private Healthcare Effectiveness in Lagos State and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Strategies in Mid-Level Private Healthcare Facilities in Lagos State
Quality Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Services
Client: DFID/Partnership for Transforming Health Systems – PATHS2
IHC supported the development of a Quality Estimation tool (QuEsT) for essential maternal and child health services. This tool integrated existing data elements from the DHIS2 and others and was subsequently used to score and track the quality level of 69 supported facilities in Lagos and Enugu States. We developed a quality improvement plan for each facility in collaboration with the state stakeholders and facility quality Improvement (QI) teams. The priority areas of the QI activities included management and administrative system, human resources management, patient care management, essential drugs and commodities, laboratory, maternal and child health services, health management information system, utilization, clinical outcomes, and community and client feedback systems. We designed scorecards to track the facilities’ performance across these components, updated them after every assessment round, and publicly displayed them at the facilities to demonstrate commitment to QI. We conducted the baseline, midline and end-line assessments to compare the facilities’ scores at different periods.
The overall average quality score improved during the project duration. After the second round of assessments and on a scale of 1 to 10, 57% of the health facilities improved above level 5, the project’s targeted minimum improvement level.
Repositioning Equitable Access to Comprehensive Healthcare in Nembe (REACH Nembe)
Client: Shell Petroleum Development Company
We implemented the REACH Nembe project with the Bayelsa State Ministry of Health and Nembe Community Cluster Development Foundation. The 3 prongs of the project include a community health insurance scheme, infrastructural and staffing support, and overall project management. Within the infrastructural and staffing support prong, we implemented QI activities at the facility to improve service delivery. Some of the QI activities included developing SOPs, establishing QI Teams, supporting the implementation of quality improvement plans, and capacity building.
Improved quality of service delivery, which increased service utilization and patient satisfaction level (10% to 62%).