Landscaping Assessment of Quality Assurance/ Improvement Mechanism and Tools.
Client: Health Systems Consult Limited / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
IHC conducted the landscape assessment of quality assurance/quality improvement mechanisms and tools for healthcare organizations in Lagos State. The landscaping comprised the review of existing QA and QI approaches and methodologies used in implementing QA/QI projects in the State, identifying the gaps/challenges in implementing QA/QI projects and recommending steps to improve the existing QA/QI strategies.
A harmonized QA/QI approach and tools was disseminated to the relevant State government stakeholders. A Technical Working Group inaugurated to drive the QA/QI process in Lagos State
Primary Health Care Facilities Quality Scoring System for the Basic Health Care Provision Fund.
Client: World Bank
IHC supported our Principal Consultant in developing an accreditation tool to inform a stepwise improvement in the quality-of-service delivery at the PHC level. We developed a quality scoring system to establish baseline and progress on quality improvement plans. We designed a scorecard to inform the performance management of key quality improvement indicators at the PHC specifically for the BHCPF implementation.
A scoring system and framework. This system assessed and scored PHC facilities in the first batch of BHCPF States and guided facility selection.
Lagos State Human Resource for Health Assessment
Client: DFID/Partnership for Transforming Health Systems – PATHS2
IHC supported our principal consultant in leading the first HRH assessment in Lagos State. The assessment utilized WHO’s HRH tools on policy, health regulation, training institutions, healthcare facilities and providers. The assessment covered 37 LCDAs, 5 state-specific regulatory bodies, 10 training institutions, 4 tertiary institutions, 23 general hospitals and 230 health facilities.
The HRH assessment informed the development of the Lagos State HRH Policy.
Strategic Map Development
Client: Society for Quality HealthCare in Nigeria (SQHN)
IHC led the process of developing SQHN’s 5-year strategic plan. The process involved an extensive desk review of available literature on accreditation processes and practices in various countries. Key informant interviews were conducted with various in-country and international stakeholders to better inform the local context and strategic approach for SQHN.
A strategic plan was developed.